Co-Occurring Trauma & Addiction Rehab Center in Salem, Virginia

At Mount Regis Center, we offer an intensive, evidence based approach to co-occurring PTSD and addiction treatment. Our therapeutic interventions help our clients build a strong foundation for long-term recovery.

Learn More About PTSD

Learn more about co-occurring PTSD treatment at Mount Regis Center in Salem, VA

The experience of trauma, reacting to a potentially life threatening or other extraordinary distressing event – including witnessing trauma to others or learning the details of a loved one who has experienced a grave trauma – can shatter your world and leave you feeling defenseless and exposed. There are many types of traumatic situations that can leave you feeling helpless and frightened including rape, auto accidents, natural disasters, combat, or physical abuse, among others.

After a traumatic event you may find yourself struggling with painful memories that you can’t seem to get out of your head, feeling disconnected from others, and overwhelmed by negative emotions. While many traumatic situations involve life threat or physical harm, at Mount Regis we understand that any serious experience that overwhelms your ability to cope, and leaves you feeling vulnerable and alone can be traumatic to you even if you weren’t physically harmed. The experience of trauma is subjective and what may be experienced as traumatic varies from person to person. The addition of the symptoms of a substance use disorder only serves to increase the likelihood of perceiving an event as traumatic as well as intensify the severity of the symptoms.

For people with co-occurring substance abuse problems and PTSD the responsibilities of the everyday world can become so overwhelming the individual is largely unable to function. Often the stress related to the trauma can cause the individual to increase their substance use or begin to take an additional substance to self-medicate. The combination of problems and symptoms can spiral out of control until an individual becomes so hopeless of anything getting better they start to think about suicide.

While it may seem like you’ll never be able to get over your pain or feel safe again, Mount Regis can help you believe in a brighter tomorrow and take the steps to get there.

Why Should I get Treatment?

Why should I get treatment for PTSD?

At Mount Regis we understand how vulnerable you feel and how it may be difficult for you to trust others after what you have gone through. Our staff is well trained and compassionate, knowing the importance of taking things at your pace. They have experience in multiple trauma therapy approaches. We know that others in your life may dismiss your reactions or believe you are looking for attention. We are here to assure you that your symptoms are normal despite the distress they are causing you and to make sure you know you are not alone.

We realize that your symptoms are affecting every aspect of your life and that you likely feel out of control due to not being able to predict what may trigger an increase in your distress or when it may happen. Others often don’t understand that your suffering is not just a result of the actual symptoms you’re experiencing that are a direct reflection of the trauma, but also due to the fear related to this sense of lacking control over when your symptoms may become overwhelming. We have treated many people suffering from the same problems you are and can help you find the way back to the life you lived before the trauma occurred.

What Does Treatment Look Like?

What does co-occurring PTSD treatment look like at Mount Regis Center?

Mount Regis is a small rehab center and we believe our limited size helps us provide you with the individualized care you need and deserve to fully heal. You will receive personalized attention, support, and the direct care to ensure all your needs are met while you are with us. We know that often trauma survivors have issues that may not be directly related to the traumatic event and may have existed beforehand or be the result of the increased stress in your life. Our size also enables us to get to know each person who comes to us for help on an individual basis, so we can learn their unique capabilities, strengths, personality, preferences, and what they find meaningful in life. We use the knowledge we gain to capitalize on the resources each man or woman brings with them to provide a firm basis from which to work.  Our approach is holistic in nature and we believe in caring for all aspects within each individual. At Mount Regis you will find compassion, dedication, and commitment in our efforts to help you on your journey to recovery.

Types of Therapy

Types of therapy used to treat PTSD at Mount Regis Center in Salem, VA

At Mount Regis our inpatient and extended stay programs provide the ideal environment for someone to begin or continue their recovery process. It provides the opportunity to get away from other responsibilities and expectation and to focus solely on healing.  Your participation in our program will remain completely confidential and information will only be shared with others after you have signed a consent form stating you are providing permission for us to do so.

In addition to the therapeutic options related specifically to different types of substance use disorders, we offer group, family and limited individual therapy for PTSD.  Treatment for PTSD often involves several common goals.  These include:

  • Processing intrusive thoughts and memories
  • Addressing overwhelming emotions and avoidance behaviors
  • Learning to appropriately channel excess energy and decrease agitation
  • Learning how to regulate strong emotions or tolerate those which can’t be regulated
  • Re-establishing the willingness to trust other people

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – CBT helps you identify misperceptions or maladaptive thoughts you may be having about your trauma. Many times these thoughts involve self-blame for the event. CBT will aid you in evaluating and processing your thoughts related to the trauma and your patterns of thinking in general leading to healthier and more accurate ways of thinking. Once you are able to identify and alter your thought patterns, the accompanying negative feelings and behaviors that have been standing in the way of your ability to move forward will also change.

Rational Emotive Therapy (REBT) – REBT focuses on balancing acceptance, tolerance, and changes in thoughts and beliefs related to the trauma. Many people who have experienced a trauma get caught up in the unfairness of their experiences. REBT helps individuals express their feelings about this and then accept what happened as something that occurred in the past so they can move on. Individuals with PTSD are also often overwhelmed by powerful emotions. REBT teaches them strategies to use so they are better able to tolerate these emotions. Finally, strategies from CBT are used to alter negative beliefs and replace them with more adaptive ones.

Family therapy– We understand how difficult it can be for family members to understand what their loved ones are going through especially when symptoms don’t appear for some time after the trauma occurred. We work with families providing them with information about their loved one’s disorder, treatment plan, and plans for discharge. We also help the family as a whole process issues and emotions that have arisen as a result of misunderstandings or long-term estrangement so members can support each other through the current situation as well as in the future.

Group Therapy – Our small group therapy approach provides a number of benefits to participants. We limit the number of people in each group so it is not an overwhelming experience. The ability to talk about your trauma and subsequent difficulties with others who have similar experiences helps you to realize there are others who share your pain and truly understand from a first-hand basis what you are going through. Hearing others share their experiences frequently has a powerful positive effect on how others in the group view themselves and their own experiences.

Individual Therapy – While most of our therapy is small group based, we recognize that there are times people need to explore personal issues one on one. Our trained counselors may deem it necessary to provide individual counseling for specific individuals to help them process specific difficulties that are raised in group sessions.

In addition to traditional therapeutic approaches, we also provide experiential options in our efforts to focus on the needs of the whole person.  These options include:

  • Recreational programming
  • Art programming
  • Spiritual Therapy
  • Nutritional Counseling

Rehab Aftercare

Continuing care, what comes next?

Once you and your treatment team have determined you no longer need this level of care, options for post-discharged will be explored. This is done well in advance of your actual discharge date so there is time to make the best decision for your continued care and identify the best program for you needs. At Mount Regis we are committed to providing continuity of care as we are aware of how stressful leaving a familiar program and beginning a new one can be. We have several levels of care to which you can transition and if our programs do not appear to be the best fit for you we will locate alternate options and ensure you have a specific referral upon discharge.

Our Day Treatment Program (PHP) provides the same intensity of services as our inpatient program, but you sleep at home. For those who aren’t ready to return home, we maintain several apartments nearby that can be used while in the program.

For those who are re-enter their lives and return to their home our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) offers a lower intensity of services than our PHP, but more support than traditional outpatient therapy.  The IOP program meets three nights a week, typically for five weeks though this time frame may be altered as appropriate.

We also offer an Aftercare Program which is open to Mount Regis alumni free of charge for three months post-discharge. This program is intended to help you continue making progress towards recovery and prevent relapse by providing support and help for issues that have arisen since discharge. The program provides supportive individual or group therapy focusing on common problems encountered by individuals once they’ve left intensive treatment. Areas of focus may include re-adjusting to your regular life, occupational issues, re-establishing social connections and intervention for continuing mood conditions or trauma related symptoms.

At Mount Regis we are committed to helping you improve your quality of life not only when you are with us, but also after you have completed our program/s. Our goal is to help you maintain the progress you made and continue to move forward so you can re-establish a life filled with joy, satisfaction, social connections, and family.

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I am so thankful for Mount Regis, most of the staff are recovering addicts as well so they can relate to what you're going through just as much as you going through it. I worked through things I have never worked through before with all of the support in the world. I would recommend Mt Regis to ANYONE in need of help, you learn so much about yourself and this disease of addiction.

– Former Patient
Marks of Quality Care
  • Better Business Bureau (BBB)
  • Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF)
  • The Jason Foundation
  • U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs